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Let's Post a Job

How to post a job plus tips for attracting candidates.

Jazmyne Behnke avatar
Written by Jazmyne Behnke
Updated over a month ago

Before posting a job ad, consider doing a little bit of Market Research -- Look at similar job listings in your area and see what they have in common with the position you’re looking to hire for. Salary and benefits are attractive to candidates. If your competitors are listing a salary and advertising benefits, consider doing the same.

Job Board Basics

When you submit your job ad, we will automatically send your job to Indeed, Monster, ZipRecruiter, and hundreds of other job sites in the network. The first part you will fill out is the basic information about the job that all job boards require.

1. Select the Position Name you are advertising for.

  • The position name is visible to you and only to you. This does not appear in your job ad in any way. It is intended to help keep you organized when viewing your candidates. From the drop-down choose a position name that best suits the role this candidate will play in your agency. You can add positions or delete them in the Positions tab in My Settings

2. Select a Category.

  • These categories are provided to us by the job boards. Selecting the category most relevant to your position will help the job boards categorize your ad and in doing so, increase its searchability. For an LSP, we recommend Insurance Sales. For a CSR, we recommend Customer Service Representative.

3. Fill out the Salary.

  • Although it’s not required, we highly recommend including a salary and keeping it within $20,000 min to max (i.e. $40,000 - $60,000), perhaps the base pay as the min or the max being what this person can reasonably earn in their first year with your agency. Indeed recently shared that ads with salary ranges receive up to 40% more applicants than ads that don’t. Job seekers want to know what to realistically expect.

4. Add a target Zip Code as the location of the job.

  • The Job Location is simply the zip code where your physical office is located. It is set to a 25-mile radius, which cannot be changed. This lets the job boards know where you are, so they can make sure your ad is visible to candidates looking for jobs within their search radius.

Specifics of the Job

After you have the basic outline of the position you are looking to fill, you will now need to flesh out the ad to make it unique for your office.

1. Add a Job Title.

  • Job Titles such as "Producer" or "Agent" do not work well with the job boards. We recommend titles such as "Insurance Sales Representative". Do not add benefits in the title of your job ad (i.e. Sales Representative Salary + Commission). Your ad will show in the candidates' search based on its title, keep it generic so it is easily searchable for candidates.

Tip: Use job titles that candidates will type in the search box when looking for a job by using common job names.

2. Fill out the Job Description, Responsibilities, and Requirements sections.

  • For your job description, We recommend 2-4 sentences that give a good description of the position and a sense of your company culture. This is your opportunity to share a bit about your agency, your culture, and your expectations. This is also a great part of your ad to use searchable keywords. Meaning, call the position out by name twice in the description. This will increase the total keywords in your ad and help your ad get seen on the job boards.

  • For job responsibilities, we recommend 5 items, try not to list any more than 7. Think of the things that this person will be doing 90% of the time, items that will occupy the majority of their time. Keeping the list concise makes for a clean, easily digestible job ad, particularly on mobile where most applicants browse from.

  • For job requirements, we recommend 5 items, try not to list any more than 7. If you are looking for a license, here is where you would indicate that. Think of the absolute musts.

Tip: If you are struggling to write your description, responsibilities, or requirements, use our templates to help get you started, or try out the new AI-Generator!

3. Fill out the Benefits section.

  • List as many as you can and think outside the box! If your office is closed on the weekends, add it there! Paid Holidays? List that too! This is the section where you can really make your ad stand out and the one area of the job ad where you want to make the list as long as you can make it.

  • Studies show that job seekers rank the benefits of their next job second in importance only to compensation.

Tip: If you are struggling to come up with benefits, use our templates to help get you started! See the image at the end of the article to learn how to access templates.

4. Review your ad and select the Job Visibility.

Take one final look over your ad to ensure there are no spelling typos and the formatting is easy to read for applicants.

Select what job visibility you would prefer. Jobs marked public will be shared publicly on job boards, making them accessible to a wide range of applicants. Jobs marked private will not be shared to any job boards or your career page. Applicants can only apply via the job ad link.

5. Hit Continue or Save as Draft to come back to it later.

6. Finally, select up to five pre-qualifying questions for candidates to answer as part of their application. You can use our AI feature to generate questions tailored to your top five requirements.

Once the job is submitted, candidates may start applying within 24 hours as long as your job ad meets the quality guidelines of the job boards.

Sponsoring your Job

Job Sponsoring is a great way to receive more exposure quickly, especially for those located in a competitive area.

1. Click the Learn More button under the job site you are interested in.

2. View the Plans and Pricing.

3. Choose which plan you want and continue until your campaign is confirmed.

Sponsoring a job with Indeed can help for prominent placement on the world's #1 job site. Indeed Sponsored Jobs not only help you build a strong candidate pipeline but they are 3.5X more likely to result in a hire.

Sharing to Social Media

You can also get the link to post to your various social media sites.

1. Scroll down to the Social Media section at the bottom of the page you land on after you post your job.

2. Click on the Social Media Site where you would like to post your job.

3. Follow the prompts to log in to your account.

4. Click Post.

*Note: IdealTraits does not save your social media login information*

How to access job ad templates:

Click the 'Use a template' button near the text box of the selected section.

Click on the checkboxes to select the pre-formatted templates. Once complete, click Insert.

If you have any additional questions regarding this tutorial please feel free to reach out, we are here to help.

Contact by chat: Click on the chat bubble in the bottom right of your screen.

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