Important Updates to Indeed’s Salary Transparency Guidelines

Jul 20, 2022 | Hiring Tips

Kellie Lail avatar
Written by Kellie Lail
Updated over a week ago

If you are not yet aware, Indeed updated their Salary Transparency guidelines earlier this month with important changes that might impact you. If you haven’t seen these updates yet, be sure to check them out here, but I will break them down for you in this article.

What has changed?

While you have the option to not include a salary in your job ad, Indeed no longer leaves these salary spaces blank. Rather than not listing a salary at all, when you do not manually include a salary range in your job ad, Indeed will add a salary estimate to your job ad.

To estimate the job salary, Indeed utilizes salary information provided by employers and job seekers based on the features of the job. They look at all of the unique factors in a job ad that relate to compensation such as job title, experience requirements, education requirements, job location, and more. They update the models used for these estimates weekly to ensure that they are always as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

The salary estimate provided by Indeed will appear in two places in your job ad. First, the salary estimate will appear on the ad preview within the search results as demonstrated below.

Indeed Salary Transparency

Image provided by

The salary estimate will also appear in the job ad itself under the Salary Guide section. Indeed will state that a salary range was not provided by the employer before including their salary estimate as demonstrated in the image below.

Indeed Salary Transparency

Image provided by

While the salary estimate is currently only displayed in these two locations, Indeed is working to increase salary estimate transparency within client dashboards.

To override the salary estimate on your job post, all you have to do is log into your IdealTraits account, go to Jobs, click on the title of your ad, and make sure that you have a salary range listed. You want to double-check that you have not selected the box that says “Choose not to disclose salary on job ad.” If this box is selected, your designated salary range will not be included in the ad and Indeed will add a salary estimate to your job on your behalf as described above.

Why is this important?

According to Indeed, salary is one of the most important things in a job ad from the candidate’s perspective. Candidates have the option to filter jobs based on salary and one of the top pieces of feedback provided to Indeed by candidates is that they are looking for better insight into expected salary ranges for jobs. Salary is displayed on Indeed in search results, company pages, job descriptions, and more. Because of this, if you do not list a salary range on an ad yourself, Indeed may display their own salary estimate on your job ad to give candidates a better idea of what they might expect to earn in your agency. To ensure candidates have an accurate idea of what they could earn in their first year with your agency, make sure you are manually adding a salary range when creating your job ad.

To best display your salary in the ad, Indeed recommends that you keep the salary listing as simple as possible and avoid listing multiple different salary ranges in the ad. For help coming up with an accurate salary estimate, make sure to check out our Help Center and search “salary.” We have many articles breaking down what to put in the salary range, why it is important to include a salary, and more.

If you have any additional questions about salary transparency or accurately listing the salary within your job ad, feel free to send our Client Success Team a chat. We’re here for you Monday-Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm EST.

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