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Sales Person Personality Result

A breakdown of the Sales Person Personality

Mara Miller avatar
Written by Mara Miller
Updated over a week ago

Assessment Result: SALES PERSON


The Sales Person has a desire to create relationships with clients while having the end goal always in their mind. Sales People enjoy situations that can make them shine and look good in the eyes of their peers. They are ambitious and motivated by challenges, contests, and incentive-based pay plans. In general, the Sales Person works well in offices that strive to be at the top of their field. It is recommended you allow them to get out of the office now and then to take in some different scenery and prospect for new business.

The Sales Person typically does not like routines and would much rather “sell” than get bogged down in the details to complete paperwork. The Sales Person needs a strong boss to help keep their ego in check. They must respect your ability as a leader or they may push the limits. At times, you may need to remind them to listen more and talk less.

The Sales Person has a dominant personality. They are more animated than the Sales Leader or Closer.


  • Enthusiastic/Animated

  • Gain the trust of, and retain clients

  • Go-Getter

  • Enjoys a challenge/Achieving goals

  • Focuses on Client/Easy-going

  • Adapts to change

  • Uses small details if it works to their advantage

  • Works Independently

Areas That Need Support:

  • A Sales Person may interrupt or talk too much.

  • They can be impulsive and unpredictable.

  • They may push the limits.

  • They can be impatient.

  • They will listen when it is convenient for them.

  • They can be restless.

  • A Sales Person is easily bored and distracted.

  • They may have a lack of attention to detail.

Role in Office:

Would a Sales Person be good at cold calling?

  • Yes; the Sales Person can be successful at cold calling due to High Motivation/Drive (Goal Oriented) & High Persuasive/Convincing (Building Rapport). However, they may struggle with rejection. During training, advise them on how to stay motivated and bounce back easily.

Would a Sales Person make a good customer service representative?

  • Although the Sales Person is capable of quickly building rapport with clients, they struggle with completing routine tasks and staying organized.

What role is best for a Sales Person?

  • Potential roles for a Sales Person include Sales Representative, Account Executive, Sales Development Representative, Business Development Representative, Recruiter / Talent Acquisition, Sales Manager, and Telemarketer. Telemarketing should be a stepping stone into a sales position.

  • What skills identify you as a strong sales representative?

  • Describe when you convinced a reluctant customer to purchase a product. How did you do it?

  • Give me three adjectives that a friend would use to describe you.

  • Do you prefer inside sales or outside sales? Why?

  • We provide sales leads, but that won’t always be enough. What steps will you take to generate leads for yourself?

  • What do you do to improve your sales skills?

  • Tell me about a mistake you made in a previous position. What did you do? What did you learn from it?

Example Interview Questions:

Click here to find additional Sample Interview Questions based on personality type.

Managing a Sales Person:

  • Change up their routine from time to time.

  • Create a competitive compensation plan.

  • Keep them motivated and engaged by training and encouraging a competitive environment.

  • A Sales Person requires strong leadership from the beginning to set expectations, goals, and rules.

  • Provide resources to assist in time management and administrative tasks.

  • Remind them to use patience with others.

Benefits to the Team:

  • They are very influential.

  • Great at networking and developing professional contacts.

  • Will motivate others in a positive, energetic way.

  • Will use teamwork to reach team goals.


  • Social rejection or losing friends.

  • Losing control of the conversation.

  • Being taken advantage of by others.

  • Being micromanaged.

Suggestions on how to Communicate:

  • Be casual, but assertive,

  • Be enthusiastic,

  • No in-person meetings when possible.

  • Impromptu meetings with no agenda are preferred.

  • Provide encouraging feedback.

**Disclaimer** - Candidates should not be hired or rejected for a position based on their Personality Assessment Results alone. Make sure you are using the assessments as a piece of your process, giving equal consideration to the assessment, resume/experience, and interview.

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