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Zoom Integration

How to integrate Zoom to your IdealTraits account so you can virtually meet with your candidates.

Jazmyne Behnke avatar
Written by Jazmyne Behnke
Updated over 10 months ago

Streamline your hiring process and meet with your candidates virtually through the Zoom integration. You can schedule meetings with one person, or a group of people. Schedule interviews for right away or for a later date. Keep tabs on candidates you are going to meet with, or have already met and view recorded meetings right from your IdealTraits account.

Check out this short video or the step-by-step instructions below to connect your Zoom account and send interview invites.

How to Connect My Account to Zoom

If you have a Zoom Pro account or higher, you can integrate Zoom with IdealTraits to quickly schedule video meetings with your candidates. Here's how to do it:

  1. Click the Marketplace tab from the navigation menu.

  2. Select Interviewing from the Categories menu on the left side of the page.

  3. Click Purchase in the Zoom Integration block.

3. You will be directed to a Zoom domain to log in to your Zoom Account.

*Note* You may be prompted to Pre-Approve and Authorize Access to IdealTraits to connect your Zoom account.

4. Once everything goes through successfully you will see that it now displays the email associated with your Zoom account in the Marketplace block.

If you don't have a Zoom Pro account but are willing to get one in order to have the Zoom integration, then your steps will look a little different.

  1. Click Purchase in the Zoom Integration block.

  2. Follow the pop-up to sign into your free Zoom account.

  3. In IdealTraits you will get a pop-up, click Sign Up.

  4. You will be directed to the Zoom Plans and Pricing page.

  5. Select the Zoom Pro option and follow the prompts.

  6. Refresh your IdealTraits account and select Purchase once more on the Zoom Marketplace Card.

Suggest a Partner

Know of a company that IdealTraits should consider partnering with? We'd love to hear about them. Find the Suggest a Partner block in your marketplace to tell us more.

If you have any additional questions regarding this tutorial please feel free to reach out, we are here to help.

Contact by chat: Click on the chat bubble in the bottom right of your screen.

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