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Company Logo Settings

This article will walk you through how to resize your logo or banner image within the platform to best fit your Career Page & Job Ads.

Jazmyne Behnke avatar
Written by Jazmyne Behnke
Updated over a week ago

One of the first things you will want to do when signing up with IdealTraits is finish setting up your account. This includes inserting a logo and piecing together a Career Page that will match your brand. Since the platform requires you to upload images at a specified dimension, we've implemented an image editor to make this task as simple as possible.

There are 2 sections within the platform that allow you to upload images from your computer. These sections are your Company Logo (located in Settings > Company Settings) and your Career Page Banner (located in Settings > Hiring Settings > Career Page).

Navigate to one of these areas and follow along to learn how to use the image editor.

This example will show you how to use the Image Editor when uploading your company's logo.

The first thing you will do is click "Choose File"

Next, locate the logo you want to use from the files within your computer.

Once you've located the image, open and upload it into your account.

Right away, the image will appear in the Image Editor.

Below are some examples of what you may see once your image is present in the Image Editor and how to fix your image to make it fit perfectly into your career page or job ad web pages.

A perfectly sized logo may look similar to this:

Your logo fits the required dimensions and there really is no need to resize it further.

Not every logo is going to be the perfect size. They come in all different sizes and shapes so if your image doesn't fit like the one shown above, no worries, keep reading along!

Let's say your logo is too big, it expands beyond the dimensions of the resizing box and looks similar to this:

You can easily fix this issue by using the zoom tool. For this specific instance, you would want to use the Zoom Out button (see image shown below). By using this button, you are making the logo smaller to fit within the required dimensions. If you zoom out too far, use the zoom-in button to reverse a step.

Once the entire logo is within the resizing boundaries, click 'Save' and you are all done!

If your logo is square or portrait view, it may look similar to this:

To make your logo fit, hover your cursor over the corners of the resizing box, your cursor will change from the traditional cursor to a double-edged arrow. Click down with the double-edged arrow and drag the corner outwards to expand the box. (see image shown below). Ensure that your logo is centered within the resizing tool.

Once you are happy with how your image is displaying within the resizing box, click 'Save' and you are all done!

To undo your changes when using the image editor you can use the undo button tool highlighted in the image below. Or you can remove your image and re-upload it for a fresh start.

If you have any additional questions regarding this tutorial please feel free to reach out, we are here to help.

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