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Profile Outcomes At-a-Glance

A breakdown of all the IdealTraits personality outcomes

Jazmyne Behnke avatar
Written by Jazmyne Behnke
Updated over a week ago


Closers exude ego strength and self confidence. Closers are very persistent and determined and are motivated by the opportunities for advancement that will take them to the next level.  They like to take on the most challenging, important, and visible assignments to achieve their goal faster.  Closers are good at closing the deal.

A Closer can be perceived as arrogant and may irritate easily. For this reason, they prefer to work alone.  They don’t like to be constrained with too much direct control or time consuming details. They will become bored easily with routine assignments. They may need occasional reminders to provide more empathy and listening more to the prospects needs, wants and desires, rather than going for the sale.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Closer

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Competitors are persuasive and enjoy accomplishing goals both individually and as a team. They can be highly influential to others and typically use their “charm” to get what they want. They are very direct and task oriented.   Competitors are highly verbal and constantly evaluating the situation and will use education and information to prove their point,

Competitors can become restless if given monotonous tasks. They can be become critical, fault finding and impatient if they don't get their way. They can be more effective if they lighten up and show more empathy. They are not likely to be your top performing sales person because their high thorough/compliance makes them become bogged down in details.  

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Competitor

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Consistents display a controlled stance and a modest demeanor and will usually get along well with most others. They are considerate and patient and always willing to help anyone that they consider a friend and will ultimately build strong relationships within a small group of associates.  Their process is remarkably consistent in their approach.

The Consistent personality prefers a predictable and stable environment.  They may require a lot of guidance and training when they first start and/or starting a new project.  They are very slow adapting to change and prefer things to stay the same in their work life as well as their home life.  They may require a lot of appreciation for a job well done. 

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Consistent

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Engineers have a very steady type of personality. They tend to be direct, assertive, and analytical in their thought process.  They will calmly and steadfastly work toward a fixed goal. They may be successful at many things due to their dogged determination. They want a clear and precise goal to develop their own orderly plan of action to reach their objective.  They may do well with technical and challenging work where they can use actual data.  

Engineers may be perceived as being argumentative and opinionated.  They can give the impression of being blunt, resistant to change, and may seem more focused on the bottom line rather than the social interaction. They would increase their value to an organization by developing a greater understanding of people and their emotions.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing an Engineer

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Independents have a “do-er” mentality.  They may be goal oriented and go after what they want, even if it is at the expense of the group.  They may become very focused when trying to meet their goals and are perceived as a risk-taker.

Independents may believe they have all the answers. This makes them appear to be arrogant. They may refuse to delegate and may show a lack of respect of another person’s opinions.  They have a need for recognition.  Leadership needs to constantly communicate that they must learn to respect others' styles, skills, and ideas for effective team achievement.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing an Independent

Interview Questions

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Knowledgeables are very good at monitoring their own work performance.  They are disciplined and have high expectations.   They appear to be relaxed and easy going therefore their style may appear to be quite diplomatic. They are persuasive and easy going which allows them to build relationships easily and get along well with others.  They are constantly working to improve their skills.

Knowledgeables have a tendency to verbalize their disappointment in others if high standards of performance are not met.  Their need to be perfect could affect their sales.  They will not be the dominant personality in the office.  They need to be reminded to show appreciation for others contributions even when others may not do things “the right way”.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Knowledgeable

Interview Questions

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Networkers are great at creating relationships and will typically have a lot of contacts. They enjoy being at the center of attention. They are willing to listen to or tell a “story” at any time. They do have some influence over others and are able to resolve conflicts quickly.  They need a strong boss to give clear, defined tasks daily.

Networkers typically find sales a challenge and may back down due to not wanting to ask for the sale. They may lack drive and motivation which prevents them from performing at a high level. They are easily bored and distracted.  During the interview, question them on prior positions, how long they were there, why they left, and goals.  Proceed with caution if hiring them for a sale / commission position.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Networker

Interview Questions

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Nurturers are warm, empathetic, understanding people who enjoy nothing better than to solve “people” problems. They will do the job with a friendly and kind demeanor.  They work to build long term relationships and are good listeners. They prefer not to impose their will on others, and offer suggestions instead. Due to  their warm nature, they can be very effective in getting their way.   

Nurturers can sometimes be too trusting and tolerant, which may result in being taken advantage of. They need a bit more direct supervision in setting realistic goals and meeting deadlines. They may take criticism a little too personally. They will respond much better to positive reinforcement and compliments for a job well done.  

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Nurturer

Interview Questions

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Organizers tend to be good listeners. They bring a harmonious vibe to your agency. They are attracted to the human relations and the task aspects of the job. While they are the epitome of a team player, they will still maintain a fair degree of independence.  They will offer friendship and they are willing to be of service to others. 

Organizers avoids confrontation and their low key approach may make them appear weak.  They may be willing to bend the rules, in order to appease an upset client or co-worker.  As the name implies, they have excellent potential for organizing and carrying out the assigned task effectively.  Due to their lack of motivation/drive, they will not be the strong sales lead you may be looking for in your organization.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing an Organizer

Interview Questions

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Perfectionists are methodical, systematic, and precise in their thinking. They follow procedures in both their home and work lives. They are conscientious, focus on standards and quality, and  detail-oriented.  They desire stable conditions and predictable activities.  They do take risks when they have facts that they can interpret and use to draw conclusions.

Perfectionists desire specifics on what is expected, how much time is required, and how the work will be evaluated. They are able to make decisions but may spend time gathering and analyzing information before making a final decision. They adhere to standard operating procedures.  They may define their worth too much by what they do and not by who they are as people. As a result, they tend to react to personal compliments with suspicion. Acceptance of sincere reinforcement for who they are can increase their self-confidence.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Perfectionist

Interview Questions

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Persistents tend to be self-reliant and independent in thought and action.  They are able to bypass convention and often come up with innovative solutions.  They are very persistent in pursuing the results they desire and will overcome obstacles that may appear.  They are most interested in achieving goals, opportunities for advancement, and challenges are important to them. They tend to work hard to overcome some of their shortcomings. 

Persistents tend to use direct and forceful behavior.  They may manipulate people and situations in situations that limit their individualism. They have high expectations and can be critical when their standards are not met. They may lack empathy.  A strong boss is required. Lastly be careful not to shut down any ideas they contribute.  Instead try to take their ideas and tie them into their own personal goals.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Persistent

Interview Questions

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Planners are motivated and have a strong ego drive.   They exhibit a lot of foresight when focusing on a project and they do possess the ability to bring about change eventually.  They have a drive for perfection and their planning ability is likely to be sound.  They will explore options before making a decision. 

Planners are driven by two opposite forces in their behavior and may be conflicted in their thought process. They want to see tangible results but at the same time they are dictated by the need to be perfect. They may appear aggressive however, this is often tempered by their sensitivity.  The drawback is that they may lack attention to interpersonal relationships.  They may not be concerned about social poise and may appear aloof and blunt. They would be best served with a bit of humility and working harder at helping others.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Planner

Interview Questions

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Researchers are cognitive in nature and emphasize the importance of drawing conclusions and basing their actions on facts. They strive to be accurate and compliant. They manage their work days by combining the need to have all of the answers and using information with the facts they researched. They will meticulously research a subject to insure that they are confident with the conclusions they draw.

The Researcher prefers a peaceful work environment.  They may appear mild and even shy but they want to control their environment. They are concerned with the “right” answer and may have trouble making decisions in ambiguous situations. When they do make a mistake, they hesitate to acknowledge it and instead search for information that may still support their position. They would be better served by admitting their mistake and asking for help. 

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Researcher

Interview Questions

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Sales Leader

Sales Leaders are highly driven individuals who continuously look to create the best working environment to achieve optimal results. Commission based pay plans work best to motivate them. They are good at motivating and inspiring others through teaching, training, and coaching based on their past successes.  They are determined and persuasive.  Be open to listening to the Sales Leader as they may be able to provide insight and new closing techniques that may work well.

Sales Leaders do not like routine tasks and paperwork. Let the horse run! During the interview, be sure to ask probing questions around their long term objectives. Lastly, very strong leadership skills are required to keep them in check and to make sure that your organization is running smooth.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Sales Leader

Interview Questions

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Sales Person

A Sales Person is a go getter with a high persuasive drive. They  have a desire to create relationships with clients and build rapport while having the end goal always in their mind. They enjoy the challenge of a tough close and can withstand a long sales process knowing a close is possible.  They will want to get out of the office now and then to take in some different scenery, send them on the road to find new prospects.

A Sales Person does not like routines and would rather “sell” than get bogged down in the details of paperwork required to finish the sale. Challenges are very important to keep them interested and engaged. Never put them on a pay a plan that is not incentive based. They need a strong boss to help keep their egos in check or they may run over you.  They tend to push the limits on compliance too.

Sample Performance Index Range

Managing a Sales Person

Interview Questions

Read sample interview questions for Sales Person

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